

The Trust is a registered UK charity (#1174239). It has no employees and is not a business and is entirely non-commercial and not-for-profit. It exists by means of the dedicated volunteering work of its Founder and of various students and volunteers who come to support. It has no income other than that of donations by members of the public and occasional grants. However, volunteering at the Trust is more than just helping out. It is contributing to a vision of future harmony of humanity with the landscape and the planet and to practical efforts to make the world a better place and enhance and enrich the lives of others. Volunteers are also supporting the Trust's contribution to conservation, sustainable living, and reducing climate change.


Why Volunteer?

Improve Your Employability

Did you know volunteering enhances your employment status? Volunteering is also a powerful way to improve your C.V. Many employers look for this kind of experience in their prospective employees. Additionally volunteering with charities enhances your own sense of well-being and gives you a stake in public service, serving your country and of course making the world a better place.


No previous skills or experience are required. Each task is explained and practically demonstrated to you prior to your doing it. Each week something different is taught. The volunteer/student is guided through a range of skills and activities such as:

Pruning; Raising plants from seed; Deadheading; taking cuttings & growing on; Soil maintenance & improvement; lawn care; greenhouse gardening; cultivation of Vegetables; cultivation of Fruit; cultivation of Flowers; cultivation of Shrubs & specimen trees; garden Wildlife; Conservation; planting; pests & diseases; garden design, decorating & d.i.y.

Additionally in the specialist Assistantships, of course, such subjects/skills as web design; surveying and planning; environmental studies; conservation; art & architecture; landscape; wildlife, etc.

Build Your Skills

Stephen Ben Cox is a qualified teacher with many years of experience in the secondary and further education sectors. He has worked with individuals from many nationalities, and from many backgrounds.

You will find that a placement such as this will improve various skills such as:

Self Confidence;   Initiative;   Communication;   Problem Solving;   Self Reliance;   Research; Assessment.  CV improvement.

On completion of your placement or period of study or volunteering, you will be given a written Testimonial. You may also refer prospective employers to us to give you a Reference.


Types of Volunteering

Our volunteering categories are of several types:

1. Young Unemployed

We can sometimes take a wrong direction in life, or just can't seem to get on or make the most of our chances. I came from humble origins but was lucky to have a couple of role models/mentors who noticed sparks of aptitudes and nurtured my enthusiasm.

So I have created special programmes for unemployed people age 18-25 (and by arrangement age 16-18). This provides: learning various skills; cv improving; confidence building; communication, work ethic, initiative and responsibility, citizen ethos. The atmosphere in non-formal and supportive. 


2. Foreign Residential Placements

This provides a unique opportunity for foreign students age 18-27 to visit England for a short time. Here they can learn a range of skills in horticulture, conservation, art & design, and other subjects, immerse themselves in and learn about British culture and society. And take part in local community activities. The usual period of stay is between and 2 and 8 weeks.

It also provides an opportunity for local people to meet students from different cultures and backgrounds and increase their understanding of the world, and form friendships. The foreign student can improve their English language, visit places of historical & cultural interest; familiarise themselves with British society & customs and make new friends.

Accommodation and meals are provided. The volunteers help out for up to 5 hours a day Monday to Friday. The rest of the time is their own to explore England. So far our volunteers have come from Germany, Switzerland, Italy, France, Hungary, U.S.A., South Korea.


3. UK Universities Student Volunteers

The Trust is now also linked/registered with:   Bath Spa University,  Bristol University, University of Bath, and the University the West of England for their student volunteering opportunities.

This provides them with additional skills and also enriches their c.v. for future career prospects. They can also meet our European student visitors. Placements can be for as little as two hours a week either during term time or vacations.


 4. All-Ages Occasional Community Volunteers

There is also a need and opportunity for volunteers of all ages to come along and help. This also includes being stewards at our open days and fundraising events and other activities.

You can come along just for the day, or choose to help out for 2 hours or more once a week over a period of time. It's up to you.


5. Government and Non-Government Organisations

The Trust works with a number of non-government but publicly funded organisations in the educational and social-services sectors. Additionally, we work with Wiltshire County Council unit for young people with learning difficulties. These organisations and agencies send some of their clients to us to help them. 



is a Registered Charity (number: 1174239) in England & Wales

PURPOSE: To advance education in horticulture, conservation, wildlife, and heritage by providing study courses, training placements, talks, and workshops and other means for the enrichment of society and improvement of human well being in general based upon the Founder's garden, library, writings, teaching, and philosophy. Including skill enhancement for the young unemployed or those facing learning difficulties or other barriers to employment or self-advancement.


PLEASE DONATE: You can donate by pressing the button below to securely donate via PayPal or credit card. This will take you directly to our PayPal secure portal:

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