Animal Rights

Declaration of Rights of Non-Human Persons

For some years I have been moving towards a way of life that grants other creatures status as non-human persons.

We, of the species Homo Sapiens, in our intelligence and evolution must finally recognize the duty we have, as the dominant species, to other intelligent species/creatures.

In my garden, all mammals and birds, etc are treated as non-human persons. They are given the same respect, protection, love, and dignity I wish to be given myself. I have created this Declaration of Non-Human Rights.  This must include at the barest minimum the following:

1. Freedom from detention/ imprisonment/confinement.

2. Right to life and liberty.

3. Right to family life.

4. Freedom from persecution /torture/mistreatment/servitude.

5. Freedom from hunting and trapping.

6. Right to eat and find sustenance in peace without human disturbance.

7. Right to a safe and natural habitat.

8. The right not to be removed from their natural environment.

9. Freedom from the control, exploitation and enforced training for commercial and other gains.

10. Freedom from experimentation.

11. To be treated with care, respect, and dignity and afforded protection and help by all members of the dominant planetary species homo sapiens.

I urge all my friends to make such a Declaration and commit to a way of living in this regard.


Practical Actions & Respect

1. All wildlife & animals are sacred.

2. A very small number (snails/slugs) have to be culled to prevent destruction.

3. Wherever possible creature trapped/exposed/vulnerable should be assisted to safety.

4. Animals take priority over humans: e.g. when they are drinking or eating stop moving until they are finished. 

5. When gardening take care that: habitats are not being disturbed;  creatures have time to move out of your way.

6. Check that feeders and watering places are clean and topped up.

7. Insecticides etc are not used unless desperate.

8. Some crops (e.g. berries, apples etc) are partially left on harvesting to provide winter feed for animals.

9. Hunting is prohibited.

10. Created/constructed/natural habitats are to be checked for predation/access/condition etc.

11. New habitats are to be encouraged.

12. Wildlife audits to be undertaken regularly. Checklists maintained (esp butterflies).

13. Planting to encourage wildlife.

14. Seed harvesting of flowers & veg for following year sowing.

15. Greenhouse to be checked for mouse damage to seed stores.

16. Rodent traps/killing prohibited: electronic scaring devices used instead.

17. Deadheading of blooms regularly to encourage fresh blooms for bees and butterflies etc.

18. Some flower heads are left to set to provide seeds for next year and food for animals in winter.

19. Wherever possible all planting of new plants undertaken to enhance food for pollinating insects.



is a Registered Charity (number: 1174239) in England & Wales

PURPOSE: To advance education in horticulture, conservation, wildlife, and heritage by providing study courses, training placements, talks, and workshops and other means for the enrichment of society and improvement of human well being in general based upon the Founder's garden, library, writings, teaching, and philosophy. Including skill enhancement for the young unemployed or those facing learning difficulties or other barriers to employment or self-advancement.  

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