The Arcadian Vision
Welcome to my charity garden: a place of wildlife, spirituality, education, art, peaceful repose and harmony.
Here I strive to attain 'Arcadia' - or my spiritual philosophy of relationship with Nature: a vision of pastoralism and harmony with nature and the landscape. It is something I feel to the very core of my being. Nature, wildlife and gardening has always been a passion for me. This began when I was a child and was engendered by my parents and by my rural upbringing. It was there my sense of and commitment to certain eternal principles and values of the beauteous Oneness was first sparked.
I have a deep love for and empathy with Nature, the landscape and wildlife. To me my garden is a broad canvas of a spiritual vocation: there I try to delight the eye, gladden the heart, enrich the mind and uplift the soul -not only for myself but for others.
(Stephen Ben Cox)

Education Charity
My home and garden is on the Bowood Estate and I have tried to reflect its principles of community and harmony by activities of education and service to society.
Hence the establishment of a Registered Charity for the advancement of education in horticulture and conservation which has students for residential study placements from all over Europe and placements for British students. The potential of education and of enriching the next generation is important .
Self-Evolution with Nature
The garden's vision/philosophy is set for a life's purpose but its elements are flexible. There is scope to experiment, re-arrange and express curiosity and adventure. It offers insights of the balance of opposites:
Hard & soft landscaping. Inner and outer life.
Formal & informal design. Contrasting zonal rooms.
Man made & natural materials. Flowing & still water.
Places for wildlife & humans. Cultivated & wild.
Modern and traditional. Reflection & stimulus.
Loss and replacement. Structured and unstructured.
The Garden: a Journey of Life
I am sometimes asked if my garden is finished- I reply "NO!" I take the view that if you think you have finished your garden, then you are ready to die! I am firmly of the mind that there should always be more to do, new adventures, challenges. I believe Lord Lansdowne (a keen and expert gardener himself) was bang-on when he said to me: "One should always have a project!" And that is a principle to which I try to adhere. To wake up each morning with excitement as to what one can achieve with a whole new day.
Noblesse Oblige
I believe that if one is lucky enough to do, learn, create, or achieve something then it is only fully realised if it also enriches others. And that no matter how great or humble our station in life we all have the capacity -and indeed the duty- of 'noblesse oblige'.".
And the future? To keep gardening, writing and creating 'til my very last hour of life. And to be assured perhaps that the garden I have created can live on after me for others to enjoy and learn from.