Sacred and Spiritual
Three Ages
Human development on this planet can be approximately divided into three stages: characterized as Awakening (when humans were still a part of nature yet gradually transcending all around him); then Expansion (when civilization and religion arose and homo sapiens became increasingly separated from Nature) and today's age of Dominance or Control.
Within each age, of course, there remained elements of the characteristics of the preceding ages: in the age of Expansion or Theism aspects of shamanism and animism continued, and likewise in the age of Control or Humanism aspects of theism persist since it descended directly from the authority given it by god(s). Such things as the arts have continued in the latter two ages for example, and aspects of technology could be found in the second age.
It is pointless (given the relative disadvantages and advantages) to argue that one age is superior to another: they are simply different and mark the stages of development of a particular high sentient species. We may argue that we prefer to live in this or that age according to our beliefs, outlook, state of mind and so on. Yet as a species which is in a constant process of development each have their characteristics and essential qualities in the overall picture of a higher species.
But the concept of higher species I would argue is a falsehood when it is applied to one species (homo sapiens) as the only species worthy of respect, or rights, or value. We may have evolved simply because of the pragmatism of Darwinian mechanics: but simply because we are strong and dominant and rapidly developing does not mean that we are the only thing on this planet worthy of consideration.
That is a dangerous concept and one which has caused the denigration and degradation of the planet and the extinction of many thousands of species at our hands. That attitude now threatens our own survival. Indeed, taken to an extreme it also led to human genocide in the 20th.century.
The First Age
This might be termed here Awakening or Animism: an age when humans thought of themselves as brothers and sisters to other creatures. There was a growing self-awareness but there was not the invisible wall or division separating the experience of ourselves from our experience of being with and part of the animate and inanimate world. Everything was imbued with a sense of being of living and connectedness.
In one sense one might regard this age as one of the infancy of humanity's evolving consciousness and self-awareness ('backward' or ignorant). Yet we now know that over the course of countless wars, billions of needless deaths, extinctions of many thousands of species caused by homo sapiens that we are simply misguided in this view- blinded by our own anthropomorphic fog.
The Second and Third Age
Expansion or Theism, which followed on from the hunting-gathering stage of humanity, was an age in which we humans arose to dominate the Earth via the consent and authority of the Gods (then much later the God: monotheism). Agriculture, trade, early science, religion, empires, wars, slavery, the arts, and cities emerged.
The present age of Domination or Control (or Humanism) is one in which there is no control or authority beyond our own existence so to speak. Science, technology, mass-production, consumerism, genocide, space exploration, medicine, corporate capitalism, the transformation of the environment, political theology, and world-wars have been some of the hallmarks. We tend to see ourselves as only responsible for ourselves. And leading on from theism we see the planet as entirely for ourselves and for our benefit: there is no greater authority or need than this the ethos states.
A Fourth Age?
The last two ages whilst heralding the immense transformation of human society, knowledge, skills, power, attainment, society, civilization and so on have also in some ways impoverished us. Our technological and scientific power has led to our debasement in many ways: we assume that all we do is right and good and best. Having been blinded for so long to the damage to the planet and suffering of other creatures this narrow perspective has caused we are suddenly waking up to the fact that we too are suffering from the seeds of our own growth and development. It may yet be the cause of our own extinction. A fourth age is now needed.
Seeing ourselves as a species as a part of a bigger picture every part of which is interdependent of a balanced composition is now the age that is necessary to emerge. And amongst other things that means the responsibility and respect for the needs of everything else beyond our own gratification. I have often used the term that the process of the last three ages has brought us to the point at which (potentially) homo sapiens is a species of gods in the making.
We may liken a gardener to a god: the gardener must care for everything within his domain: the condition of the soil, the ecological balance, the variety of planting, and the needs of every creature therein. He must be a husbandman and steward, not a dictator, he must work in partnership with Nature and the seasons. For a gardener knows that without this respect, love, and humility his power is naught: his garden will fail.
Healing Ourselves
On an individual (and thus societal) level, however, our vast panoply of development has also resulted in a mental and spiritual numbness and impoverishment. Being cut off from Nature, from other creatures, from the seasons, and the greater rhythms of existence we are now prone to many more diseases and frailties than ever before.
Yet on the individual level and the societal, there are things we can do to restore some balance. This is part of the story and the purpose of ARCADIAN.
One of our greatest needs is to bring back to our own lives the sense of the sacred, the sense of the sacraments as it were. We need to ground ourselves in the eternal. I view our drift into becoming discarnate automatons as a cause for concern.
As a part of the overall work of my Trust, I propose offering the garden as a resource whereby individuals and groups can relearn the lost connections and rebirth our own immanence.
Outlook of Possibilities
Section under construction. Please check back later.
By means of the example of The Garden and how Nature works and our relationship to it, this section will include such things as:
- Non-human Rights.
- Our place in Nature.
- Calm and Connection.
- Relating to All Around.
- Secret and wild spaces
- Our responsibilities & duties.
- The unfolding of the gift of life.
- Planting for harmony & wildlife.
- Sacred locations in your garden.
- The Garden as a symbol of existence.
- Animal homes & a shared environment
- The journey of life & our relationship to Creation.
There will be various methods in which Arcadian proposes to communicate and teach its ethos and projects in education for the public good. These will include: ~Workshops. ~Seminars & forums. ~Study courses. ~Research. ~Pamphlets. ~Documentation. ~Library. ~Website. ~Guidance sheets. ~Student placements. ~And of course by the ongoing development of its unique Garden.
Support The Fourth Age
If you would like to take part in this hope for the future then you are invited to support the work of the Trust. Some of the ways in which you can help are:
- Spread the word of our work.
- Donate to help our projects to flourish
- Join our Society of Friends
- Contribute to our Library
- Become a student volunteer
- Sponsor the food for our student volunteers
- Help find and fund a building for our mission to continue into the future and enable our teaching and projects to develop. This will be a rural residential education & research centre with extensive gardens.
Thank you.
Stephen Ben Cox c.2020
is a Registered Charity (number: 1174239) in England & Wales
PURPOSE: To advance education in horticulture, conservation, wildlife, and heritage by providing study courses, training placements, talks, and workshops and other means for the enrichment of society and improvement of human well being in general based upon the Founder's garden, library, writings, teaching, and philosophy. Including skill enhancement for the young unemployed or those facing learning difficulties or other barriers to employment or self-advancement.
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