Please Help

The Garden is non-commercial and exists to serve nature/wildlife, the community, education and charity fundraising for worthy causes. It has no means of support other than donations and gifts from individuals. The Founder lives on a state pension.

If you have been inspired at all by what you have seen and read on this website, or by your visit to the garden, please consider supporting it in any of the following ways:

1. Financial Donation:

Any sum small or large will be gratefully accepted. All sums received are paid directly into a special garden bank account and can only be used for the garden as specified by the constitution of the Garden Trust. Accounts are produced and made public and every penny received and purchase made is accounted for.

You can donate easily by pressing the "Donations Button" at the bottom of any page on this website. This takes you to our dedicated Paypal payment portal for secure payments either via your Paypal account or by credit card.


2. The Friends Society:

Please consider becoming a Friend of The Garden (member). This the community society to help support the garden but also further education and friendship, mutual support and help protect wildlife.

There is a nominal annual subscription of only £10 (£5 for those under 18).

Friends have the advantage of the following:

1. invitation to the annual private viewing; 2. access to the Library; 3. garden picnics; 4. private tours; 5. visits to historic sites and gardens; 6. Lectures; 7. Wildlife walks; 8. Photography & painting exhibition; 9. Nature watch/local species count; 10. Workshops in The Garden; 11. Fundraising events; 12. Art lessons in The Garden; 13. Wild food Event. There is also a Newsletter by email.


3. Gifting Items:

You can also support the garden trust by making donations in kind. There are so many ways to do this via things you no longer need. For example:

Giving books.

Replacing broken garden tools.

Giving plants.

Making things;

Supplying raw materials;

Offering skills for projects;

Baking cakes for open days.


4. Projects Needing Your Help:

If you want to help or if you know how to get the materials please get in touch or if you have contacts, or know suitable companies/ businesses then please do get in touch.

( Note as this is a registered charity businesses/companies can deduct from tax the amount they donate or value of the goods or stock they supply)

1. Woodland & Wildflowers Meadow. We need wildflower turves (or money for it) and wildflower plants. Also helps re-organising this area.

2. Apiary. We hope to help bee populations in the area by setting up beehives. Can you help?

3. Treehouse.

4. Soundproofing & insulating the summerhouse study/library and also for the gym. Also laminate floor for study.

5. Fruit : Replacement fruit trees & bushes.

6. Auditing Equipment : for recording/auditing moths & butterflies. Also a drone and filming equipment.

7. Wildlife habitats/boxes

8. Mountain bikes for student volunteers/assistants.

9. Garden Wifi: we need a repeater/extender to enable the summerhouse to be on the net fir teaching/research. We also need a teaching screen.

10. Apple Pressing : juice pressing/cider making. We need an apple press.

11. Mushroom spawn for the dedicated fungi area

12. Sound buffer garden fence to reduce noise from the A4 which is now very intrusive.

13. Solar heating panels for the pool for use by students/volunteers as a reward for their voluntary/unpaid dedication.

14. New Lawn The lawns have become unsafe for visitors due to moile depredations etc. We need new lawns together with electronic mole deterrents.

15. Replacements: From time to time trees and shrubs and perennial plants reach the end of their several years' existence and need repacing. t the moment there are several perennials, and shrubs and trees ( incl.some species of Acer and dwarf conifer and semi-tropicals) that need replacing.



is a Registered Charity (number: 1174239) in England & Wales

PURPOSE: To advance education in the subjects of horticulture, conservation , wildlife and heritage by providing study courses, training placements, talks, and workshops and other means for the enrichment of society and for the improvement of human well being in general based upon the Founder's garden, library, writings, teaching and spiritual philosophy.

PLEASE DONATE: You can donate by pressing the button below to securely donate via PayPal or credit card. This will take you directly to our PayPal secure portal:

Press here >> DONATIONS BUTTON <<

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